// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html // Decompiler options: braces fieldsfirst space lnc package com.aps; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.net.NetworkInfo; import android.net.Proxy; import android.net.Uri; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.SparseArray; import com.amap.api.location.core.AMapLocException; import com.amap.api.location.core.c; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.net.SocketException; import java.net.SocketTimeoutException; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpHost; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.StatusLine; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager; import org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException; import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory; import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme; import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry; import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager; import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpProtocolParams; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; // Referenced classes of package com.aps: // f, t public class l { private static l a = null; private l() { } public static int a(NetworkInfo networkinfo) { while (networkinfo == null || !networkinfo.isAvailable() || !networkinfo.isConnected()) { return -1; } return networkinfo.getType(); } public static l a() { if (a == null) { a = new l(); } return a; } public static String a(TelephonyManager telephonymanager) { int i = 0; if (telephonymanager != null) { i = telephonymanager.getNetworkType(); } return (String)f.l.get(i, "UNKNOWN"); } public static HttpClient a(Context context, NetworkInfo networkinfo) { boolean flag; Cursor cursor; BasicHttpParams basichttpparams; Uri uri; ContentResolver contentresolver; flag = true; cursor = null; basichttpparams = new BasicHttpParams(); if (networkinfo.getType() != 0) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_633; } uri = Uri.parse("content://telephony/carriers/preferapn"); contentresolver = context.getContentResolver(); Cursor cursor2 = contentresolver.query(uri, null, null, null, null); Cursor cursor1 = cursor2; if (cursor1 == null) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L1: if (!cursor1.moveToFirst()) goto _L2; else goto _L3 _L3: String s5 = cursor1.getString(cursor1.getColumnIndex("apn")); if (s5 == null) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_115; } s5 = s5.toLowerCase(Locale.US); t.a(new Object[] { "nm|found apn:", s5 }); if (s5 == null) goto _L5; else goto _L4 _L4: if (!s5.contains("ctwap")) goto _L5; else goto _L6 _L6: String s7 = b(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(s7)) goto _L8; else goto _L7 _L7: boolean flag5 = s7.equals("null"); if (flag5) goto _L8; else goto _L9 _L9: boolean flag4 = flag; _L19: byte byte0; String s; if (!flag4) { s7 = ""; } s = s7; byte0 = 80; _L12: if (cursor1 != null) { cursor1.close(); } _L13: if (a(s, byte0)) { basichttpparams.setParameter("http.route.default-proxy", new HttpHost(s, byte0, "http")); } t.a(basichttpparams, 30000); HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue(basichttpparams, false); SchemeRegistry schemeregistry = new SchemeRegistry(); schemeregistry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80)); return new DefaultHttpClient(new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(basichttpparams, schemeregistry), basichttpparams); _L5: if (s5 == null) goto _L2; else goto _L10 _L10: if (!s5.contains("wap")) goto _L2; else goto _L11 _L11: String s6; boolean flag3; s6 = b(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(s6)) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_606; } flag3 = s6.equals("null"); boolean flag2; if (flag3) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_606; } flag2 = flag; _L18: if (!flag2) { s6 = ""; } s = s6; byte0 = 80; goto _L12 SecurityException securityexception; securityexception; _L17: String s1; String s2; if (networkinfo.getExtraInfo() == null) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_589; } s1 = networkinfo.getExtraInfo().toLowerCase(Locale.US); s2 = b(); if (s1.indexOf("ctwap") == -1) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_439; } Exception exception; Exception exception1; Exception exception2; String s3; boolean flag1; String s4; SecurityException securityexception1; Exception exception3; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(s2) && !s2.equals("null")) { s4 = s2; } else { s4 = null; flag = false; } if (!flag) { s4 = ""; } s = s4; byte0 = 80; if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } goto _L13 if (s1.indexOf("wap") == -1) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_589; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(s2) && !s2.equals("null")) { s3 = s2; flag1 = flag; } else { s3 = null; flag1 = false; } if (!flag1) { s3 = ""; } s = s3; byte0 = 80; break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_426; exception1; exception2 = exception1; cursor1 = null; _L16: t.a(exception2); if (cursor1 != null) { cursor1.close(); } byte0 = -1; s = null; goto _L13 exception; cursor1 = null; _L15: if (cursor1 != null) { cursor1.close(); } throw exception; exception; continue; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */ exception; cursor1 = cursor; if (true) goto _L15; else goto _L14 _L14: exception3; exception2 = exception3; goto _L16 securityexception1; cursor = cursor1; goto _L17 byte0 = -1; s = null; break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_426; s6 = null; flag2 = false; goto _L18 _L2: byte0 = -1; s = null; goto _L12 _L8: s7 = null; flag4 = false; goto _L19 byte0 = -1; s = null; goto _L13 } private static boolean a(String s, int i) { return s != null && s.length() > 0 && i != -1; } private static boolean a(HttpResponse httpresponse) { Header header = httpresponse.getFirstHeader("Content-Encoding"); return header != null && header.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("gzip"); } public static String[] a(JSONObject jsonobject) { String as[] = { null, null, null, null, null }; if (jsonobject == null || "http://apilocate.amap.com/mobile/binary".length() == 0) { as[0] = "false"; } else { try { String s = jsonobject.getString("key"); String s1 = jsonobject.getString("X-INFO"); String s2 = jsonobject.getString("X-BIZ"); String s3 = jsonobject.getString("User-Agent"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(s) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(s1) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(s3)) { as[0] = "true"; as[1] = s; as[2] = s1; as[3] = s2; as[4] = s3; } } catch (JSONException jsonexception) { } if (as[0] == null || !as[0].equals("true")) { as[0] = "true"; return as; } } return as; } private static String b() { String s1 = Proxy.getDefaultHost(); String s = s1; _L2: if (s == null) { s = "null"; } return s; Throwable throwable; throwable; throwable.printStackTrace(); s = null; if (true) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L1: } public String a(Context context, String s, byte abyte0[], String s1) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(s) && abyte0 != null) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L1: String s2 = null; _L14: return s2; _L2: NetworkInfo networkinfo; InputStream inputstream; GZIPInputStream gzipinputstream; InputStreamReader inputstreamreader; BufferedReader bufferedreader; StringBuffer stringbuffer; String s3; networkinfo = t.b(context); if (a(networkinfo) == -1) { return null; } inputstream = null; gzipinputstream = null; inputstreamreader = null; bufferedreader = null; stringbuffer = new StringBuffer(); s3 = ""; HttpClient httpclient3 = a(context, networkinfo); HttpClient httpclient1 = httpclient3; HttpPost httppost1 = new HttpPost(s); HttpResponse httpresponse; int i; ByteArrayEntity bytearrayentity = new ByteArrayEntity(abyte0); httppost1.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httppost1.addHeader("User-Agent", "AMAP Location SDK Android 1.2.0"); httppost1.addHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); httppost1.addHeader("Connection", "Keep-Alive"); httppost1.addHeader("X-INFO", c.a(null).b(s1)); httppost1.addHeader("ia", "1"); httppost1.addHeader("key", c.a()); stringbuffer.delete(0, stringbuffer.length()); httppost1.setEntity(bytearrayentity); httpresponse = httpclient1.execute(httppost1); i = httpresponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (i != 200) goto _L4; else goto _L3 _L3: InputStream inputstream4 = httpresponse.getEntity().getContent(); InputStream inputstream2 = inputstream4; String s4 = httpresponse.getEntity().getContentType().getValue(); String s5 = ""; int j = s4.indexOf("charset="); if (j == -1) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_293; } s5 = s4.substring(j + 8); UnknownHostException unknownhostexception; BufferedReader bufferedreader1; InputStreamReader inputstreamreader1; GZIPInputStream gzipinputstream1; InputStream inputstream1; HttpPost httppost; HttpClient httpclient; Exception exception; GZIPInputStream gzipinputstream2; InputStreamReader inputstreamreader2; BufferedReader bufferedreader2; Exception exception1; Exception exception2; HttpPost httppost2; GZIPInputStream gzipinputstream3; BufferedReader bufferedreader3; HttpClient httpclient2; InputStream inputstream3; InputStreamReader inputstreamreader3; Throwable throwable5; Throwable throwable6; SocketException socketexception1; SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception1; ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception1; Throwable throwable10; Exception exception4; UnknownHostException unknownhostexception2; SocketException socketexception2; SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception2; ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception2; Throwable throwable11; Exception exception5; String s6; SocketException socketexception3; SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception3; ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception3; Throwable throwable12; UnknownHostException unknownhostexception3; String s7; UnknownHostException unknownhostexception4; SocketException socketexception4; SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception4; ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception4; Exception exception6; SocketException socketexception5; SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception5; ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception5; Throwable throwable16; Exception exception7; UnknownHostException unknownhostexception6; SocketException socketexception6; SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception6; ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception6; Throwable throwable17; Exception exception8; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(s5)) { s6 = "UTF-8"; } else { s6 = s5; } if (!a(httpresponse)) goto _L6; else goto _L5 _L5: gzipinputstream2 = new GZIPInputStream(inputstream2); _L26: if (gzipinputstream2 == null) goto _L8; else goto _L7 _L7: inputstreamreader2 = new InputStreamReader(gzipinputstream2, s6); _L12: bufferedreader2 = new BufferedReader(inputstreamreader2, 2048); _L11: s7 = bufferedreader2.readLine(); if (s7 == null) goto _L10; else goto _L9 _L9: stringbuffer.append(s7); goto _L11 unknownhostexception3; bufferedreader1 = bufferedreader2; inputstreamreader1 = inputstreamreader2; gzipinputstream1 = gzipinputstream2; inputstream1 = inputstream2; httppost = httppost1; httpclient = httpclient1; _L13: throw new AMapLocException("\u672A\u77E5\u4E3B\u673A - UnKnowHostException"); exception; httpclient1 = httpclient; httppost1 = httppost; inputstream2 = inputstream1; gzipinputstream2 = gzipinputstream1; inputstreamreader2 = inputstreamreader1; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader1; exception1 = exception; _L20: if (httppost1 != null) { httppost1.abort(); } if (httpclient1 != null) { httpclient1.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); } Throwable throwable4; SocketException socketexception; UnknownHostException unknownhostexception1; UnknownHostException unknownhostexception5; if (gzipinputstream2 != null) { try { gzipinputstream2.close(); } catch (Throwable throwable3) { } } if (inputstream2 != null) { try { inputstream2.close(); } catch (Throwable throwable2) { throwable2.printStackTrace(); } } if (inputstreamreader2 != null) { try { inputstreamreader2.close(); } catch (Throwable throwable1) { throwable1.printStackTrace(); } } if (bufferedreader2 != null) { try { bufferedreader2.close(); } catch (Throwable throwable) { throwable.printStackTrace(); } } throw exception1; _L8: inputstreamreader2 = new InputStreamReader(inputstream2, s6); goto _L12 unknownhostexception5; gzipinputstream1 = gzipinputstream2; inputstream1 = inputstream2; httppost = httppost1; httpclient = httpclient1; bufferedreader1 = null; inputstreamreader1 = null; goto _L13 _L10: s3 = stringbuffer.toString(); stringbuffer.delete(0, stringbuffer.length()); s2 = s3; _L25: if (httppost1 != null) { httppost1.abort(); } if (httpclient1 != null) { httpclient1.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); } Throwable throwable7; Throwable throwable8; Throwable throwable9; if (gzipinputstream2 != null) { try { gzipinputstream2.close(); } catch (Throwable throwable15) { } } if (inputstream2 != null) { try { inputstream2.close(); } catch (Throwable throwable14) { throwable14.printStackTrace(); } } if (inputstreamreader2 != null) { try { inputstreamreader2.close(); } catch (Throwable throwable13) { throwable13.printStackTrace(); } } if (bufferedreader2 == null) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_650; } bufferedreader2.close(); _L18: if (TextUtils.isEmpty(s2)) { return null; } goto _L14 _L4: if (i != 404) goto _L16; else goto _L15 _L15: throw new AMapLocException("\u670D\u52A1\u5668\u8FDE\u63A5\u5931\u8D25 - UnknownServiceException"); unknownhostexception1; httppost = httppost1; httpclient = httpclient1; bufferedreader1 = null; inputstreamreader1 = null; gzipinputstream1 = null; inputstream1 = null; goto _L13 socketexception; httpclient1 = null; httppost1 = null; _L24: throw new AMapLocException("socket \u8FDE\u63A5\u5F02\u5E38 - SocketException"); _L23: throw new AMapLocException("socket \u8FDE\u63A5\u8D85\u65F6 - SocketTimeoutException"); _L22: throw new AMapLocException("http\u8FDE\u63A5\u5931\u8D25 - ConnectionException"); throwable4; httppost2 = null; gzipinputstream3 = null; bufferedreader3 = null; s2 = s3; httpclient2 = null; inputstream3 = null; inputstreamreader3 = null; throwable5 = throwable4; _L21: throwable5.printStackTrace(); if (httppost2 != null) { httppost2.abort(); } if (httpclient2 != null) { httpclient2.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); } if (gzipinputstream3 != null) { try { gzipinputstream3.close(); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Throwable throwable9) { } } if (inputstream3 != null) { try { inputstream3.close(); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Throwable throwable8) { throwable8.printStackTrace(); } } if (inputstreamreader3 != null) { try { inputstreamreader3.close(); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Throwable throwable7) { throwable7.printStackTrace(); } } if (bufferedreader3 == null) goto _L18; else goto _L17 _L17: bufferedreader3.close(); goto _L18 throwable6; _L19: throwable6.printStackTrace(); goto _L18 throwable6; goto _L19 exception2; exception1 = exception2; bufferedreader2 = null; inputstreamreader2 = null; gzipinputstream2 = null; inputstream2 = null; httppost1 = null; httpclient1 = null; goto _L20 exception8; exception1 = exception8; bufferedreader2 = null; inputstreamreader2 = null; gzipinputstream2 = null; inputstream2 = null; httppost1 = null; goto _L20 exception4; exception1 = exception4; bufferedreader2 = null; inputstreamreader2 = null; gzipinputstream2 = null; inputstream2 = null; goto _L20 exception5; exception1 = exception5; bufferedreader2 = null; inputstreamreader2 = null; gzipinputstream2 = null; goto _L20 exception7; exception1 = exception7; bufferedreader2 = null; inputstreamreader2 = null; goto _L20 exception6; exception1 = exception6; bufferedreader2 = null; goto _L20 exception1; goto _L20 exception1; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader3; inputstreamreader2 = inputstreamreader3; gzipinputstream2 = gzipinputstream3; inputstream2 = inputstream3; httppost1 = httppost2; httpclient1 = httpclient2; goto _L20 throwable17; throwable5 = throwable17; String s9 = s3; httpclient2 = httpclient1; s2 = s9; bufferedreader3 = null; inputstreamreader3 = null; gzipinputstream3 = null; inputstream3 = null; httppost2 = null; goto _L21 throwable10; s2 = s3; httpclient2 = httpclient1; httppost2 = httppost1; throwable5 = throwable10; bufferedreader3 = null; inputstreamreader3 = null; gzipinputstream3 = null; inputstream3 = null; goto _L21 throwable11; throwable5 = throwable11; s2 = s3; httpclient2 = httpclient1; httppost2 = httppost1; inputstream3 = inputstream2; bufferedreader3 = null; inputstreamreader3 = null; gzipinputstream3 = null; goto _L21 throwable16; s2 = s3; httpclient2 = httpclient1; httppost2 = httppost1; inputstream3 = inputstream2; gzipinputstream3 = gzipinputstream2; throwable5 = throwable16; bufferedreader3 = null; inputstreamreader3 = null; goto _L21 throwable5; String s8 = s3; httpclient2 = httpclient1; httppost2 = httppost1; inputstream3 = inputstream2; gzipinputstream3 = gzipinputstream2; inputstreamreader3 = inputstreamreader2; s2 = s8; bufferedreader3 = null; goto _L21 throwable12; s2 = s3; httpclient2 = httpclient1; httppost2 = httppost1; inputstream3 = inputstream2; gzipinputstream3 = gzipinputstream2; inputstreamreader3 = inputstreamreader2; bufferedreader3 = bufferedreader2; throwable5 = throwable12; goto _L21 connecttimeoutexception6; bufferedreader = null; inputstreamreader = null; gzipinputstream = null; inputstream = null; httppost1 = null; goto _L22 connecttimeoutexception1; bufferedreader = null; inputstreamreader = null; gzipinputstream = null; inputstream = null; goto _L22 connecttimeoutexception2; inputstream = inputstream2; bufferedreader = null; inputstreamreader = null; gzipinputstream = null; goto _L22 connecttimeoutexception5; gzipinputstream = gzipinputstream2; inputstream = inputstream2; bufferedreader = null; inputstreamreader = null; goto _L22 connecttimeoutexception4; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader2; gzipinputstream = gzipinputstream2; inputstream = inputstream2; bufferedreader = null; goto _L22 connecttimeoutexception3; bufferedreader = bufferedreader2; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader2; gzipinputstream = gzipinputstream2; inputstream = inputstream2; goto _L22 sockettimeoutexception6; bufferedreader = null; inputstreamreader = null; gzipinputstream = null; inputstream = null; httppost1 = null; goto _L23 sockettimeoutexception1; bufferedreader = null; inputstreamreader = null; gzipinputstream = null; inputstream = null; goto _L23 sockettimeoutexception2; inputstream = inputstream2; bufferedreader = null; inputstreamreader = null; gzipinputstream = null; goto _L23 sockettimeoutexception5; gzipinputstream = gzipinputstream2; inputstream = inputstream2; bufferedreader = null; inputstreamreader = null; goto _L23 sockettimeoutexception4; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader2; gzipinputstream = gzipinputstream2; inputstream = inputstream2; bufferedreader = null; goto _L23 sockettimeoutexception3; bufferedreader = bufferedreader2; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader2; gzipinputstream = gzipinputstream2; inputstream = inputstream2; goto _L23 socketexception6; bufferedreader = null; inputstreamreader = null; gzipinputstream = null; inputstream = null; httppost1 = null; goto _L24 socketexception1; bufferedreader = null; inputstreamreader = null; gzipinputstream = null; inputstream = null; goto _L24 socketexception2; inputstream = inputstream2; bufferedreader = null; inputstreamreader = null; gzipinputstream = null; goto _L24 socketexception5; gzipinputstream = gzipinputstream2; inputstream = inputstream2; bufferedreader = null; inputstreamreader = null; goto _L24 socketexception4; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader2; gzipinputstream = gzipinputstream2; inputstream = inputstream2; bufferedreader = null; goto _L24 socketexception3; bufferedreader = bufferedreader2; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader2; gzipinputstream = gzipinputstream2; inputstream = inputstream2; goto _L24 unknownhostexception; bufferedreader1 = null; inputstreamreader1 = null; gzipinputstream1 = null; inputstream1 = null; httppost = null; httpclient = null; goto _L13 unknownhostexception6; httpclient = httpclient1; bufferedreader1 = null; inputstreamreader1 = null; gzipinputstream1 = null; inputstream1 = null; httppost = null; goto _L13 unknownhostexception2; inputstream1 = inputstream2; httppost = httppost1; httpclient = httpclient1; bufferedreader1 = null; inputstreamreader1 = null; gzipinputstream1 = null; goto _L13 unknownhostexception4; inputstreamreader1 = inputstreamreader2; gzipinputstream1 = gzipinputstream2; inputstream1 = inputstream2; httppost = httppost1; httpclient = httpclient1; bufferedreader1 = null; goto _L13 _L16: s2 = s3; bufferedreader2 = null; inputstreamreader2 = null; gzipinputstream2 = null; inputstream2 = null; goto _L25 _L6: gzipinputstream2 = null; goto _L26 Exception exception3; exception3; inputstream2 = inputstream; gzipinputstream2 = gzipinputstream; inputstreamreader2 = inputstreamreader; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; exception1 = exception3; goto _L20 SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception; sockettimeoutexception; bufferedreader = null; inputstreamreader = null; gzipinputstream = null; inputstream = null; httppost1 = null; httpclient1 = null; goto _L23 ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception; connecttimeoutexception; bufferedreader = null; inputstreamreader = null; gzipinputstream = null; inputstream = null; httppost1 = null; httpclient1 = null; goto _L22 } public String a(byte abyte0[], Context context) { NetworkInfo networkinfo; HttpClient httpclient; HttpPost httppost; InputStream inputstream; InputStreamReader inputstreamreader; BufferedReader bufferedreader; StringBuffer stringbuffer1; int i; boolean flag; StringBuffer stringbuffer2; String s; networkinfo = t.b(context); if (a(networkinfo) == -1) { return null; } httpclient = null; httppost = null; inputstream = null; inputstreamreader = null; bufferedreader = null; StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer(); stringbuffer1 = new StringBuffer(); stringbuffer1.append("http://cgicol.amap.com/collection/writedata?ver=v1.0_ali&"); stringbuffer1.append("zei=").append(f.a); stringbuffer1.append("&zsi=").append(f.b); i = 0; flag = false; stringbuffer2 = stringbuffer; s = ""; _L6: InputStream inputstream1; HttpPost httppost1; HttpClient httpclient1; String s1; BufferedReader bufferedreader2; HttpPost httppost2; HttpClient httpclient2; InputStream inputstream2; InputStreamReader inputstreamreader1; BufferedReader bufferedreader4; if (i >= 1 || flag) { stringbuffer1.delete(0, stringbuffer1.length()); BufferedReader bufferedreader3; HttpClient httpclient3; ByteArrayEntity bytearrayentity; HttpResponse httpresponse; UnknownHostException unknownhostexception2; String s2; if (s.equals("")) { return null; } else { return s; } } httpclient3 = a(context, networkinfo); httpclient2 = httpclient3; httppost2 = new HttpPost(stringbuffer1.toString()); stringbuffer2.delete(0, stringbuffer2.length()); stringbuffer2.append("application/soap+xml;charset="); stringbuffer2.append("UTF-8"); stringbuffer2.delete(0, stringbuffer2.length()); httppost2.addHeader("gzipped", "1"); bytearrayentity = new ByteArrayEntity(t.a(abyte0)); bytearrayentity.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); httppost2.setEntity(bytearrayentity); httpresponse = httpclient2.execute(httppost2); if (httpresponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1467; } inputstream2 = httpresponse.getEntity().getContent(); inputstreamreader1 = new InputStreamReader(inputstream2, "UTF-8"); bufferedreader4 = new BufferedReader(inputstreamreader1, 2048); _L3: s2 = bufferedreader4.readLine(); if (s2 == null) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L1: stringbuffer2.append(s2); goto _L3 unknownhostexception2; inputstream1 = inputstream2; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader4; httpclient1 = httpclient2; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader1; httppost1 = httppost2; _L16: if (httppost1 != null) { httppost1.abort(); httppost1 = null; } if (httpclient1 != null) { httpclient1.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); httpclient1 = null; } if (inputstream1 != null) { inputstream1.close(); inputstream1 = null; } if (inputstreamreader != null) { inputstreamreader.close(); inputstreamreader = null; } if (bufferedreader2 == null) goto _L5; else goto _L4 _L4: bufferedreader2.close(); _L8: bufferedreader2 = null; _L5: i++; bufferedreader3 = bufferedreader2; s = s1; httpclient = httpclient1; httppost = httppost1; inputstream = inputstream1; bufferedreader = bufferedreader3; goto _L6 _L2: s = stringbuffer2.toString(); stringbuffer2.delete(0, stringbuffer2.length()); stringbuffer2 = null; flag = true; inputstream1 = inputstream2; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader4; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader1; _L17: UnknownHostException unknownhostexception; BufferedReader bufferedreader1; SocketException socketexception; SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception; ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception; Exception exception; UnknownHostException unknownhostexception1; SocketException socketexception1; SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception1; ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception1; ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception2; SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception2; SocketException socketexception2; UnknownHostException unknownhostexception3; SocketException socketexception3; SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception3; ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception3; UnknownHostException unknownhostexception4; SocketException socketexception4; SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception4; ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception4; UnknownHostException unknownhostexception5; SocketException socketexception5; SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception5; ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception5; if (httppost2 != null) { httppost2.abort(); httppost1 = null; } else { httppost1 = httppost2; } if (httpclient2 != null) { httpclient2.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); httpclient1 = null; } else { httpclient1 = httpclient2; } if (inputstream1 != null) { inputstream1.close(); inputstream1 = null; } if (inputstreamreader != null) { inputstreamreader.close(); inputstreamreader = null; } if (bufferedreader2 == null) goto _L5; else goto _L7 _L7: bufferedreader2.close(); goto _L8 exception; bufferedreader = bufferedreader4; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader1; inputstream = inputstream2; _L12: if (httppost2 != null) { httppost2.abort(); } if (httpclient2 != null) { httpclient2.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); } if (inputstream != null) { inputstream.close(); } if (inputstreamreader != null) { inputstreamreader.close(); } if (bufferedreader != null) { bufferedreader.close(); } throw exception; socketexception2; inputstream1 = inputstream2; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader4; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader1; _L15: if (httppost2 != null) { httppost2.abort(); httppost1 = null; } else { httppost1 = httppost2; } if (httpclient2 != null) { httpclient2.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); httpclient1 = null; } else { httpclient1 = httpclient2; } if (inputstream1 != null) { inputstream1.close(); inputstream1 = null; } if (inputstreamreader != null) { inputstreamreader.close(); inputstreamreader = null; } if (bufferedreader2 == null) goto _L5; else goto _L9 _L9: bufferedreader2.close(); goto _L8 sockettimeoutexception2; inputstream1 = inputstream2; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader4; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader1; _L14: if (httppost2 != null) { httppost2.abort(); httppost1 = null; } else { httppost1 = httppost2; } if (httpclient2 != null) { httpclient2.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); httpclient1 = null; } else { httpclient1 = httpclient2; } if (inputstream1 != null) { inputstream1.close(); inputstream1 = null; } if (inputstreamreader != null) { inputstreamreader.close(); inputstreamreader = null; } if (bufferedreader2 == null) goto _L5; else goto _L10 _L10: bufferedreader2.close(); goto _L8 connecttimeoutexception2; inputstream1 = inputstream2; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader4; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader1; _L13: if (httppost2 != null) { httppost2.abort(); httppost1 = null; } else { httppost1 = httppost2; } if (httpclient2 != null) { httpclient2.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); httpclient1 = null; } else { httpclient1 = httpclient2; } if (inputstream1 != null) { inputstream1.close(); inputstream1 = null; } if (inputstreamreader != null) { inputstreamreader.close(); inputstreamreader = null; } if (bufferedreader2 == null) goto _L5; else goto _L11 _L11: bufferedreader2.close(); goto _L8 exception; httppost2 = httppost; httpclient2 = httpclient; goto _L12 exception; httppost2 = httppost; goto _L12 exception; goto _L12 exception; inputstream = inputstream2; goto _L12 exception; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader1; inputstream = inputstream2; goto _L12 connecttimeoutexception; httppost2 = httppost; httpclient2 = httpclient; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream; goto _L13 connecttimeoutexception5; httppost2 = httppost; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream; goto _L13 connecttimeoutexception1; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream; goto _L13 connecttimeoutexception4; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream2; goto _L13 connecttimeoutexception3; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader1; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream2; goto _L13 sockettimeoutexception; httppost2 = httppost; httpclient2 = httpclient; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream; goto _L14 sockettimeoutexception5; httppost2 = httppost; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream; goto _L14 sockettimeoutexception1; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream; goto _L14 sockettimeoutexception4; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream2; goto _L14 sockettimeoutexception3; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader1; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream2; goto _L14 socketexception; httppost2 = httppost; httpclient2 = httpclient; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream; goto _L15 socketexception5; httppost2 = httppost; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream; goto _L15 socketexception1; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream; goto _L15 socketexception4; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream2; goto _L15 socketexception3; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader1; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream2; goto _L15 unknownhostexception; bufferedreader1 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream; httppost1 = httppost; httpclient1 = httpclient; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader1; goto _L16 unknownhostexception5; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream; httppost1 = httppost; httpclient1 = httpclient2; goto _L16 unknownhostexception1; httpclient1 = httpclient2; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream; httppost1 = httppost2; goto _L16 unknownhostexception4; httppost1 = httppost2; s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream2; httpclient1 = httpclient2; goto _L16 unknownhostexception3; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader1; s1 = s; httppost1 = httppost2; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream2; httpclient1 = httpclient2; goto _L16 s1 = s; bufferedreader2 = bufferedreader; inputstream1 = inputstream; goto _L17 } public String a(byte abyte0[], Context context, JSONObject jsonobject) { NetworkInfo networkinfo; HttpPost httppost; GZIPInputStream gzipinputstream; BufferedReader bufferedreader; StringBuffer stringbuffer; boolean flag; int i; String s; InputStreamReader inputstreamreader; InputStream inputstream; HttpClient httpclient; networkinfo = t.b(context); if (a(networkinfo) == -1) { throw new AMapLocException("http\u8FDE\u63A5\u5931\u8D25 - ConnectionException"); } httppost = null; gzipinputstream = null; bufferedreader = null; stringbuffer = new StringBuffer(); flag = false; i = 0; s = ""; inputstreamreader = null; inputstream = null; httpclient = null; _L9: if (i >= 1 || flag) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(s)) { s = null; } return s; } HttpClient httpclient2 = a(context, networkinfo); HttpClient httpclient1 = httpclient2; HttpPost httppost2; String as[]; as = a(jsonobject); httppost2 = new HttpPost("http://apilocate.amap.com/mobile/binary"); String s1 = "UTF-8"; HttpResponse httpresponse; int j; ByteArrayEntity bytearrayentity = new ByteArrayEntity(t.a(abyte0)); bytearrayentity.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); httppost2.addHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); httppost2.addHeader("gzipped", "1"); httppost2.addHeader("X-INFO", as[2]); httppost2.addHeader("X-BIZ", as[3]); httppost2.addHeader("KEY", as[1]); httppost2.addHeader("ec", "1"); if (as[4] != null && as[4].length() > 0) { httppost2.addHeader("User-Agent", as[4]); } stringbuffer.delete(0, stringbuffer.length()); httppost2.setEntity(bytearrayentity); httpresponse = httpclient1.execute(httppost2); j = httpresponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (j != 200) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L1: String s2; inputstream = httpresponse.getEntity().getContent(); s2 = httpresponse.getEntity().getContentType().getValue(); String s3 = ""; int k = s2.indexOf("charset="); if (k == -1) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_356; } s3 = s2.substring(k + 8); UnknownHostException unknownhostexception; BufferedReader bufferedreader1; InputStreamReader inputstreamreader1; GZIPInputStream gzipinputstream1; InputStream inputstream1; HttpPost httppost1; Exception exception; Exception exception1; SocketException socketexception; SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception; ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception; Throwable throwable2; UnknownHostException unknownhostexception1; SocketException socketexception1; SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception1; ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception1; Throwable throwable3; SocketException socketexception2; SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception2; ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception2; Throwable throwable4; Exception exception2; UnknownHostException unknownhostexception3; String s4; boolean flag1; GZIPInputStream gzipinputstream2; StringBuffer stringbuffer1; InputStream inputstream2; InputStreamReader inputstreamreader2; String s6; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(s3)) { s1 = s3; } if (a(httpresponse)) { gzipinputstream = new GZIPInputStream(inputstream); } if (gzipinputstream == null) goto _L4; else goto _L3 _L3: inputstreamreader = new InputStreamReader(gzipinputstream, s1); _L8: bufferedreader1 = new BufferedReader(inputstreamreader, 2048); _L7: s4 = bufferedreader1.readLine(); if (s4 == null) goto _L6; else goto _L5 _L5: stringbuffer.append(s4); goto _L7 unknownhostexception3; inputstreamreader1 = inputstreamreader; gzipinputstream1 = gzipinputstream; inputstream1 = inputstream; httppost1 = httppost2; httpclient = httpclient1; _L12: throw new AMapLocException("\u672A\u77E5\u4E3B\u673A - UnKnowHostException"); exception; httpclient1 = httpclient; httppost2 = httppost1; inputstream = inputstream1; gzipinputstream = gzipinputstream1; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader1; bufferedreader = bufferedreader1; exception1 = exception; _L13: if (httppost2 != null) { httppost2.abort(); } if (httpclient1 != null) { httpclient1.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); } UnknownHostException unknownhostexception2; SocketException socketexception3; String s5; InputStreamReader inputstreamreader3; InputStreamReader inputstreamreader4; if (gzipinputstream != null) { try { gzipinputstream.close(); } catch (Throwable throwable1) { throwable1.printStackTrace(); } } if (inputstream != null) { try { inputstream.close(); } catch (Throwable throwable) { throwable.printStackTrace(); } } if (inputstreamreader != null) { inputstreamreader.close(); } if (bufferedreader != null) { bufferedreader.close(); } throw exception1; _L4: inputstreamreader4 = new InputStreamReader(inputstream, s1); inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader4; goto _L8 _L6: s5 = stringbuffer.toString(); stringbuffer.delete(0, stringbuffer.length()); flag1 = true; gzipinputstream2 = gzipinputstream; stringbuffer1 = null; inputstream2 = inputstream; inputstreamreader2 = inputstreamreader; s6 = s5; _L18: if (httppost2 != null) { httppost2.abort(); httppost2 = null; } if (httpclient1 != null) { httpclient1.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); httpclient1 = null; } if (gzipinputstream2 != null) { try { gzipinputstream2.close(); } catch (Throwable throwable7) { throwable7.printStackTrace(); } gzipinputstream2 = null; } if (inputstream2 != null) { try { inputstream2.close(); } catch (Throwable throwable6) { throwable6.printStackTrace(); } inputstream2 = null; } if (inputstreamreader2 != null) { inputstreamreader2.close(); inputstreamreader2 = null; } if (bufferedreader1 != null) { bufferedreader1.close(); bufferedreader1 = null; } i++; stringbuffer = stringbuffer1; gzipinputstream = gzipinputstream2; httppost = httppost2; httpclient = httpclient1; inputstreamreader3 = inputstreamreader2; inputstream = inputstream2; flag = flag1; bufferedreader = bufferedreader1; s = s6; inputstreamreader = inputstreamreader3; goto _L9 _L2: if (j != 404) goto _L11; else goto _L10 _L10: throw new AMapLocException("\u670D\u52A1\u5668\u8FDE\u63A5\u5931\u8D25 - UnknownServiceException"); unknownhostexception2; bufferedreader1 = bufferedreader; inputstreamreader1 = inputstreamreader; gzipinputstream1 = gzipinputstream; inputstream1 = inputstream; httppost1 = httppost2; httpclient = httpclient1; goto _L12 socketexception3; bufferedreader = bufferedreader1; _L17: throw new AMapLocException("socket \u8FDE\u63A5\u5F02\u5E38 - SocketException"); _L16: throw new AMapLocException("socket \u8FDE\u63A5\u8D85\u65F6 - SocketTimeoutException"); _L15: throw new AMapLocException("http\u8FDE\u63A5\u5931\u8D25 - ConnectionException"); _L14: throw new AMapLocException("http\u8FDE\u63A5\u5931\u8D25 - ConnectionException"); exception2; bufferedreader = bufferedreader1; exception1 = exception2; goto _L13 exception1; httpclient1 = httpclient; httppost2 = httppost; goto _L13 exception1; httppost2 = httppost; goto _L13 throwable2; httpclient1 = httpclient; httppost2 = httppost; goto _L14 throwable3; httppost2 = httppost; goto _L14 throwable4; goto _L14 connecttimeoutexception; httpclient1 = httpclient; httppost2 = httppost; goto _L15 connecttimeoutexception1; httppost2 = httppost; goto _L15 connecttimeoutexception2; goto _L15 sockettimeoutexception; httpclient1 = httpclient; httppost2 = httppost; goto _L16 sockettimeoutexception1; httppost2 = httppost; goto _L16 sockettimeoutexception2; goto _L16 socketexception; httpclient1 = httpclient; httppost2 = httppost; goto _L17 socketexception1; httppost2 = httppost; goto _L17 socketexception2; goto _L17 unknownhostexception; bufferedreader1 = bufferedreader; inputstreamreader1 = inputstreamreader; gzipinputstream1 = gzipinputstream; inputstream1 = inputstream; httppost1 = httppost; goto _L12 unknownhostexception1; bufferedreader1 = bufferedreader; httpclient = httpclient1; inputstreamreader1 = inputstreamreader; gzipinputstream1 = gzipinputstream; inputstream1 = inputstream; httppost1 = httppost; goto _L12 _L11: gzipinputstream2 = gzipinputstream; stringbuffer1 = stringbuffer; String s7 = s; bufferedreader1 = bufferedreader; flag1 = flag; inputstream2 = inputstream; inputstreamreader2 = inputstreamreader; s6 = s7; goto _L18 exception1; goto _L13 SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception3; sockettimeoutexception3; bufferedreader = bufferedreader1; goto _L16 ConnectTimeoutException connecttimeoutexception3; connecttimeoutexception3; bufferedreader = bufferedreader1; goto _L15 Throwable throwable5; throwable5; bufferedreader = bufferedreader1; goto _L14 } }